domenica 8 gennaio 2012

Saint Eurosia of Jaca

La giovane, rimasta in tenera età orfana di entrambi i genitori, venne accolta dal nuovo duca Boriboy  e dalla sua giovane moglie Ludmilla, questi la trattarono come vera figlia e si prodigarono per il diffondersi della religione cristiana in tutta quella regione, così anche Dobroslava venne battezzata ed assunse il nome greco di Eurosia. Furono quelli anni di pace e di fede e la giovane Eurosia si distinse per bontà ed altruismo, ma un gruppo di cechi-boeri pagani presero il potere e costrinsero la famiglia ducale all’esilio il re di Moravia, Svatopluk.  (continua...

fonte Wikipedia

St. Eurosia (or Orosia) is the patron saint of Jaca, a city in the province of Huesca of northeastern Spain, in the Pyrenees Mountains. She was born in Bayonne as a member of the nobility. Upon turning sixteen, she was promised to a Moor in an arranged marriage. Eurosia escaped and hid in a cave near the Pyrenees Mountains. She was pursued and eventually caught. Eurosia invoked the heavens and a lightning bolt hit the ground near her would-be captors. She was ultimately dragged from the cave by her hair. Her limbs were amputated and she was beheaded, receiving the crown of martyrdom. At the exact moment of her death, a terrible storm came, terrorizing her tormentors.

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